
Ehrenamtliche Blühbotschafter im Main-Kinzig-Kreis: Naturschutz für Insekten und Pflanzenpflege

In Ronneburg, Michael Schneider, known as the „Blühbotschafter“ (Ambassador for Blooming Landscapes), delivers practical presentations without the aid of Powerpoint slides. He emphasizes providing tangible tools to his audience when discussing beneficial plants and endangered insects. Schneider is among 36 volunteer ambassadors currently active in the most populous district of Hessen. Another 17 individuals are set to join this unique role, with the recent training program catering to a diverse range of interests within the group. The initiative, led by Christine Seidel under the project „Main.Kinzig.Blüht.Netz,“ aims to combat the decline of insects by creating a network of diverse natural plant habitats throughout the entire district.

Supported by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), the project allocates 80% of its funding, with the remaining 20% covered by the district’s own resources. The overarching goal is to replace conventional green spaces with vibrant wild plant areas, promoting biodiversity and supporting insect populations. This initiative, which dates back to 2015, has positioned Main-Kinzig-Kreis as a pioneer in public blossom fields within Hessen, as highlighted by Stephan Consemüller from the Hessian Association for Environmental and Nature Conservation (BUND). The gravity of these measures resonates with conservationists, who stress the urgency of preserving ecosystems threatened by the rapid disappearance of insects due to intensive industrial farming practices.

Ambassador Schneider’s educational sessions concentrate on introducing individuals to low-maintenance plants suitable for cultivation in gardens or pots, such as Sand Thyme and Speckled Lungwort. He also showcases insect nesting aids, educational materials, display boards, and water sources during his presentations. Leutnant, director of the Environmental and Nature Conservation Unit in the district’s Lower Nature Conservation Authority, underscores the importance of selecting plant species beneficial to insects, cautioning against popular garden varieties like Cherry Laurel and Forsythia that offer little to no nutritional value to pollinators. The emphasis on the importance of every square meter in supporting insect habitats underscores the collaborative effort required to make a significant impact in fostering biodiversity.

Beyond individual gardens, Main-Kinzig-Kreis has collaborated with farmers to cultivate insect-friendly agricultural land, although EU regulations constrain the extent of these transformations. Additionally, the county has initiated a wild bee project in partnership with local farmers, supported by government funding. The endeavor involves testing wild bee seed mixtures containing native plants to evaluate their impact on wild and overall insect populations. Moreover, guidance is extended to businesses seeking to enhance their landscapes by converting large, sealed surfaces into insect-friendly environments. This proactive shift in landscaping practices reflects an evolving mindset towards sustainable conservation efforts within the region.

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