
Heidi Klum krönt erstes männliches und weibliches Topmodel – Überraschende Gewinner der neuen Staffel!

Lea, a 24-year-old from Düsseldorf, and Jermaine, a 20-year-old from Kassel, were crowned as the winners of the 19th season of „Germany’s Next Topmodel„. This season marked a first in the show’s history as Heidi Klum, the host, selected both a female and a male „Topmodel“ in the finale. The competition was fierce, with Lea and Jermaine impressing the judges with their performances on the catwalk and in a photoshoot.

Competing against five other finalists, Lea and Jermaine emerged victorious in the final showdown held in Cologne. Xenia, a 24-year-old from Hof in Bavaria, secured the second spot among the female contestants, while Fabienne from Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia, claimed the third position. Among the male participants, Linus from Berlin secured the second place, with the Frankfurt-based twins Julian and Luka coming in third.

As part of their prize, Lea and Jermaine will have the opportunity to grace the cover of the German edition of „Harper’s Bazaar“ and each receive a prize of 100,000 euros. Looking ahead, a special anniversary season was announced following the finale, with Klum set to embark on her 20th search for Germany’s top budding models in the next season.

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