
Brand in Breuberger Einfamilienhaus: Bewohner unverletzt – Einsturzgefahr besteht

Feuer in Breuberg: Dramatischer Vorfall in Einfamilienhaus

In Breuberg, specifically in the district of Rai-Breitenbach, a fire broke out in a single-family house’s kitchen, spreading rapidly to the entire house. Fortunately, the two residents, a 61-year-old man, and a 60-year-old woman managed to escape unharmed. The male resident contacted the Bergstraße emergency call center around 10:05 PM on Thursday (May 2, 2024), prompting the dispatch of fire brigades from Breuberg, Höchst, Wald-Amorbach, Lützelbach, and the Pirelli company fire brigade, totaling 70 firefighters. The first floor and the attic were completely engulfed in flames, resulting in significant structural damage and the current risk of collapse. As a temporary measure, the two occupants are staying with neighbors while authorities investigate the cause of the fire.

To ensure vigilance, the fire department established a fire watch that will remain on-site overnight. The incident is under the supervision of EPHK Bösl from the South Hesse Police Headquarters. Further inquiries can be directed to the South Hesse Police Headquarters, specifically the Command and Control Service on Klappacher Strasse 145 in Darmstadt. For press inquiries, the press office can be reached at 06151 / 969 – 13500 or via email at The dissemination of this information is accredited to the South Hesse Police Headquarters through news aktuell.

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