
Senator Dressel enthüllt düstere Steuerschätzung für Hamburg

Hamburg & Schleswig-Holstein: Senator Dressel presents tax revenue estimate for Hamburg

Hamburg’s Finance Senator, Andreas Dressel, of the SPD, will unveil the results of the latest tax revenue estimate for the city on Tuesday at 12:30 pm. This forecast serves as a crucial foundation for the ongoing discussions regarding the 2025/2026 budget. In the previous estimate last fall, Senator Dressel had already labeled the outlook as grim, leaving no room for additional spending.

The new Hamburg forecast is based on the nationwide tax revenue estimate presented by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) in Berlin earlier this month. According to this estimate, the federal government, states, and municipalities are expected to face a shortfall of 21.9 billion euros in tax revenue next year compared to the previous fall forecast. This decrease in revenue is anticipated to continue until 2028.

The tax revenue estimate for Hamburg plays a significant role in shaping the city’s financial planning and decision-making processes. It provides policymakers with important insights into the expected revenue streams and helps determine the allocation of funds for various projects and initiatives. The repercussions of the lower tax revenue projections highlighted in the nationwide estimate will likely have implications for Hamburg’s budget planning and expenditure considerations in the coming years.

As Senator Dressel presents the tax revenue estimate for Hamburg, stakeholders across various sectors will be keenly observing the results and their potential impact on the city’s economic outlook and financial strategies. The unveiling of these figures marks a crucial milestone in Hamburg’s fiscal planning and will inform key decisions in the upcoming budget cycle.

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