
Mission Goldhammer : Auf hoher See mit der Fregatte Hamburg – Exklusive Einblicke in die NATO-Vorbereitungen

Training for Emergency Situations – Preparing the Crew of FregatteHamburg

Amidst the vast expanse of the North Sea in 2024, the crew of the Fregatte „Hamburg“ is diligently honing their skills for potential NATO missions. Led by Captain Andreas Schmidt, the 221-strong crew is undergoing intense training as they make their way from Wilhelmshaven to Plymouth, England. The upcoming weeks will be devoted to preparing for high-stakes scenarios, including live firing exercises dubbed „Goldhammer“.

As the Fregatte approaches its training destination, the crew is focused on executing precise shots with the ship’s onboard artillery, aiming to hit designated targets in the North Sea from a distance of nearly five kilometers. This training, known as the German Operational Sea Training (GOST), serves as the final stage before the crew and vessel are deemed ready for deployment in actual combat situations.

Following their arrival in Plymouth, the crew will engage in an extensive five-week training program to further refine their skills for the challenges ahead. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) has outlined plans for the Fregatte „Hamburg“ to be deployed in the Red Sea later in the year, with a primary mission of safeguarding commercial vessels from Houthi militia attacks in Yemen.

During their journey, the crew’s preparations have been documented by „Die Nordreportage,“ showcasing various exercises such as man-overboard drills in rough seas and navigating treacherous currents near Plymouth. These training activities not only serve to enhance the crew’s capabilities but also underscore the vital role they play in ensuring maritime security and stability in the region.

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