
Gewitterwarnung: Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein im Sturm

DWD Warns of Storms in the North – Tree on Railroad Track

Following a hot summer day with temperatures reaching up to 31 degrees, strong storms are expected on Thursday evening in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued a warning of significant danger to life and limb, including risks of lightning strikes, fallen trees, and damaged roofs. The storms are forecasted to bring heavy rain and gusts of up to 75 kilometers per hour, with possible hail showers in some areas.

The Hamburg police reported numerous incidents due to heavy rain on Thursday, including overflowing gutters and fallen branches or trees blocking roads. Further details of the damage were not immediately available.

A tree fell onto the S-Bahn tracks in Hamburg-Bergedorf, causing a disruption in rail services towards Berlin. Although the temporary closure has been lifted, the S2 line remains affected. Commuters are advised to check for updates on service disruptions.

As the night progresses into Friday morning, the DWD forecasts a decrease in wind speeds and the possibility of fog settling in. Particularly in Ostholstein, visibility could be reduced to under 150 meters. Friday is expected to be slightly cooler, with temperatures ranging between 21 to 25 degrees, compared to the preceding days.

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Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 5
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 177
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 49

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