
Schulbehörde sucht 75 Quereinsteiger als Lehrkräfte für Bremens Grundschulen

Bremen, like many other regions in Germany, is facing a shortage of teachers, particularly in the field of primary education where 40 teachers are currently needed. To address this issue, the education senator, Sascha Aulepp, is actively seeking up to 75 career changers to become teachers in the upcoming school year. These individuals will undergo a short selection process, including speed dating-style interviews, to assess their suitability for the role.

The recruitment drive is specifically targeting individuals with backgrounds in the private sector or other fields related to education. These aspiring teachers will receive training and support from the State Institute for School over a period of one and a half years while also working in classrooms. The goal is to have all positions filled by the start of the school year in early August.

This initiative highlights the ongoing challenges faced by educational institutions in finding qualified teaching staff, and the importance of creative solutions such as recruiting career changers to meet the demand. By opening up opportunities for individuals with diverse backgrounds to enter the teaching profession, Bremen is taking a proactive approach to addressing the pressing issue of teacher shortages in the region.

As the new school year approaches, the success of this recruitment drive will be closely monitored to assess its impact on filling vacant teaching positions and ensuring that students have access to quality education. With education being a fundamental pillar of society, the efforts to address the teacher shortage in Bremen are crucial in maintaining a strong educational system for future generations.

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