
Streit endet in dramatischer Attacke: Mann bei Messerstecherei lebensgefährlich verletzt

In Hemelingen, a physical altercation on Sunday evening left a 28-year-old man critically injured from stab wounds. Shortly after, a 36-year-old man in Gröpelingen was struck by a car and injured. The initial incident occurred around 8:30 p.m. at a grill restaurant on Hannoversche Straße, where the 28-year-old man engaged in a dispute with an unidentified individual. The man proceeded to stab the 28-year-old before fleeing in a car. Another unknown individual subsequently fired multiple shots at the fleeing 36-year-old’s vehicle. The 28-year-old underwent emergency surgery for his stab wound but is no longer in critical condition, as stated by the police.

Witnesses reported that the fleeing 36-year-old was the one who had stabbed the victim. Approximately half an hour later, the fleeing individual was struck at a gas station on Oslebshauser Tor street. Exiting the sales area, the man was hit head-on by a Ford traveling at high speed, causing him to collide with the glass door of the gas station. The entrance area sustained significant damage from the impact. Subsequently, the unknown driver fled the scene, while the 36-year-old was taken to a hospital with head injuries.

The Criminal Police have initiated thorough investigations into the incident, including delving into the underlying reasons, and are focusing on a potential attempted homicide case. Police officers have been interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, and pursuing initial leads. The Police Bremen’s Criminal Investigation Department is accepting further tips from witnesses at 0421 3623888.

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