
Ferienstart: ACE warnt vor Staus auf A1 und gibt Tipps zur Vermeidung

Troublesome Traffic Situation around Osnabrück: How to Avoid the Jams

With the start of the school holidays, the hot travel season begins, according to the European Automobile Club (ACE). Not only in Lower Saxony but also in Bremen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia, the summer holidays kick off this weekend. The roads heading south, to the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas, as well as to other holiday destinations, are expected to be particularly busy.

Key Tips to Dodge the Expected Traffic Jams

  1. Pick the Right Departure Time: Traffic congestion typically starts in the early afternoon hours on Friday and escalates rapidly. On Saturday, the usual congestion begins in the early morning hours. Popular holiday routes heading south, to the Dutch and Belgian coasts, and to the North and Baltic Seas are heavily traveled. Relief is often seen in the afternoon. Sunday also sees active travel traffic, but due to the absence of heavy goods vehicles, the traffic situation is significantly calmer compared to the classic arrival Saturday. It is worth considering switching to Sunday for flexible travelers.
  2. Use Traffic Apps: ACE recommends using mobility apps before and during your journey, which provide early alternative routes in case of long queues. These apps also indicate when switching to an alternative route is worthwhile in the event of traffic jams. The ACE Auto Club Europa app is a good starting point.
  3. Real-time Traffic Warnings in Navigation Systems: Modern navigation devices deliver real-time traffic warnings. However, many GPS devices rely on the same information and may redirect drivers to the same alternative route, resulting in congestion there too. Exiting the highway is often only beneficial in case of full closures or jams exceeding ten kilometers.
  4. Plan Sufficient Time: Despite careful selection of travel time and route, slipping into a jam is not always avoidable. Make sure to allocate enough time, including breaks. Setting off early and calmly will lead to a more relaxed arrival. It is essential to pack some snacks and plenty of water for the journey. Bringing along games suitable for car rides, as well as audiobooks and podcasts, can make the trip more enjoyable, especially when traveling with children.

Stuck in Traffic Anyway? Here are the Main Traffic Jam Rules

  • Always keep an emergency lane clear in jams, starting from the first traffic congestion.
  • Do not drive on the shoulder and never reverse. This is not only prohibited but also extremely dangerous.
  • If the traffic is at a standstill and not moving forward at all, ACE advises turning off the engine.
  • Only leave the car in emergencies. There is a risk of accidents, especially from motorcyclists who may illegally weave through the cars.
  • Drive steadily and avoid abrupt braking or acceleration, as this increases the risk of accidents.
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