AltstadtKriminalität und JustizWirtschaft

Null-Toleranz-Strategie: Polizei greift am Grünen Markt in Erding durch

Erdinger Altstadt im Visier: Wie die Polizei eine Null-Toleranz-Strategie gegen soziale Brennpunkte durchsetzt

In Erding, specifically at the Grünen Markt in the historic city center, the atmosphere has shifted from a daytime idyll to a nighttime hotspot of concern. Recent discussions among politicians and residents have debated whether the location has transformed into a social focal point best avoided after dark. The police force, represented by Harald Pataschitsch, Deputy Head of the Erding Inspection and leader of its task force, has taken a firm stance on the matter.

A „zero-tolerance concept operation“ has been implemented by the police in response to escalating complaints about drug consumption and dealing, as well as harassment and spitting directed at passersby. This strategy encompasses not only the Grünen Markt but also the Geheimrat-Irl-Straße and the section along the old city wall up to Heiliggeisthof. Collaborating with the city officials, the police plan to intensify their presence in the area over the coming weeks, issuing immediate removal orders to any individuals engaging in disruptive behavior.


The demographic frequenting the Grünen Markt primarily comprises groups of 30 to 60 young individuals, including both males and females aged between 14 and 20, with a significant portion having a migrant background. Reports indicate that confrontations with the police have occurred, including verbal abuse and physical altercations directed at officers. Provocations towards pedestrians have escalated, illustrating the urgent need for intervention to uphold public safety and prevent criminal activities originating from these groups.

Despite suggestions for improved lighting in the area, the police emphasize that the primary issue lies within the group dynamics rather than environmental factors. The police have committed to maintaining a heightened presence for at least the next two weeks, with a possibility of extension beyond that timeframe if necessary. As tensions mount between different perspectives on the situation, including those of politicians, residents, and law enforcement, the community faces ongoing discussions to address the root causes and safeguard the well-being of all individuals in Erding.

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