
Dachstuhlbrand in Batenbrock: Feuerwehr Bottrop im Einsatz

In Batenbrock, a quiet suburb of Bottrop, a fire broke out in the early hours of the morning. The local fire department received an urgent call at 02:53 reporting a blaze engulfing the attic of a residential building on Fortsetzungstraße. Responding swiftly to the alarm, a team of firefighters, including those from the voluntary fire departments of Boy and Altstadt, rushed to the scene. Upon arrival, they were met with a daunting sight as the roof of the building was already consumed by flames.

Fortunately, all residents had managed to evacuate the premises safely, and there were no reported injuries. The firefighters immediately sprang into action, donning their breathing apparatus to combat the fire from within the building. At the same time, two aerial ladder trucks were deployed to fight the blaze from the outside. As of now, the fire is largely under control, but the firefighters are continuing with the arduous task of extinguishing any remaining hotspots to ensure the safety of the area.

Over 40 firefighters from the Bottrop Fire Department are currently at the scene, working tirelessly to bring the situation fully under control. The voluntary fire departments of Altstadt and Vonderort are also on standby to provide additional support in case of any further emergencies within the city limits. The exact duration of the operation is still uncertain, as the firefighters remain vigilant in their efforts to fully extinguish the fire and prevent any potential reignition. The community is grateful for the swift response and professionalism of the firefighters in containing the incident and ensuring the safety of all residents.


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