
Von Stadtgärtnerin zur Verwaltungsfachangestellten: Swetlana Fitzner wechselt zur Straßenverkehrsbehörde

It’s always inspiring to see individuals embrace new challenges and opportunities, even when it means leaving behind familiar roles and environments. Swetlana Fitzner, known to many in Templin as the city gardener, recently bid farewell to her colleagues at the Templin economic yard after dedicating 14 years to tending to the city’s green spaces. However, instead of simply retiring or continuing in her current role, Swetlana decided to pursue a new path by embarking on a career in the road traffic authority of the Uckermark district administration.

This decision stemmed from Swetlana’s thirst for professional growth and change, a sentiment shared by many individuals seeking to broaden their horizons. Despite the bittersweet feeling of leaving behind a job she loved and a team she cherished, Swetlana expressed her excitement for the challenges and learning opportunities that awaited her in the road traffic authority. The combination of her hands-on experience as a city gardener and her newly acquired qualifications as a management assistant undoubtedly played a crucial role in securing her the position.


Swetlana’s dedication and hard work over the years did not go unnoticed, with Templin’s mayor, Detlef Tabbert, praising her exceptional accomplishments during her tenure as the city gardener. Expressing reluctance at the prospect of her departure, Tabbert commended Swetlana for her outstanding contribution to the city and wished her success in her new role. As a gesture of goodwill, Swetlana passed on a brand-new pair of garden shears to her successor, Paul Parow, a young and promising professional who had expressed a desire for career advancement.

Paul, a former apprentice at the economic yard who had shown passion for his work and a commitment to his community through his involvement with the volunteer fire department in Röddelin, now steps into Swetlana’s shoes as the new city gardener. The city’s confidence in Paul’s abilities is exemplified by their decision to support his further professional development by enrolling him in a master’s program in the fall. This promising transition showcases the ongoing cycle of growth and renewal within the community, as experienced professionals pass the torch to the next generation of dedicated individuals.

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