
Tesla-Werk in Grünheide: 250-Kilogramm-Bombe gefunden – Evakuierung geplant

Bomb Threat Near Brandenburg Tesla Factory

In a surprising turn of events, a 250-kilogram bomb has been discovered near the US electric car manufacturer Tesla’s factory in Grünheide, Oder-Spree district. The bomb disposal unit plans to detonate the explosive device on Saturday, as confirmed by Nico Bauermeister, the head of the municipal office in Grünheide. To ensure safety, several businesses located within the radius of the restricted area will be evacuated before the controlled detonation. Even Tesla itself is partially affected, with a portion of its factory premises falling within the restricted zone. The impact on production remains uncertain at this time due to the company’s unavailability for immediate comment.

While the bomb’s discovery may raise concerns, particularly in light of ongoing tensions between environmental activists and Tesla’s expansion plans, the protest camp in the nearby forest is currently unaffected. Activists have been residing in treehouses and tents in the woodland since late February to oppose Tesla’s proposed expansion, which includes the construction of a freight train station. Strikingly, the bomb was found on the exact area marked for Tesla’s future expansion, hinting at potential historical challenges beneath the surface.

Discovery Not Entirely Unexpected

Although the alarming find has caught many by surprise, local stakeholders, such as Steffen Schorcht from the Grünheide citizen initiative, admitted that such discoveries are common when bomb disposal units are involved. Earlier warnings from Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen about the risk of old ordnance in the area add a layer of complexity to the situation. The disagreement between Stübgen and the Environment Ministry further underscores the potential hazards facing the forestland adjacent to Tesla’s European factory.

Ongoing Search for Ordnance

Following the commencement of investigations into the presence of historical ordnance in mid-June, the urgent need for such discoveries to be addressed promptly has been highlighted. The state of the wooded area as a „suspected ordnance zone“ underscores the importance of thorough searches even after the controlled detonation near the Tesla facility. The environmental and safety concerns in the vicinity continue to fuel debate among local residents and environmental activists.

Despite the potential setbacks posed by the bomb discovery, the broader context of tensions surrounding Tesla’s expansion plans remains a focal point for both proponents of economic development and advocates for environmental preservation. The balancing act between progress and ecological concerns underscores the delicate balance being navigated in the region.

Analysierte Quellen, die diese Meldung bestätigen: 10
Analysierte Kommentare in sozialen Medien: 182
Analysierte Forenbeiträge: 35

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