
Brand in Bremerhaven: Feuerwehr rettet Tiere und drei Personen aus Flammen

Feuerwehr Bremerhaven rettet furchtlos drei Personen, einen Hund und eine Katze aus lodernden Flammen in Lehe - dramatischer Wohnungsbrand am Montagmittag sorgt für Eile und Einsatz von 41 Kräften!

In Bremerhaven’s Lehe district, a fierce apartment blaze erupted on Monday afternoon, prompting a massive emergency response. Three people were initially reported trapped inside, but upon the firefighters‘ arrival, it became clear that they had successfully evacuated the building. Quick-thinking residents had already guided two children out, though they suffered minor smoke inhalation and were transported to a local hospital.

The brave firefighters tackled the flames in the third-floor apartment using two assault teams. Remarkably, they rescued a dog from the inferno, while a cat was found safe in an unaffected section of the home. Additionally, a third individual was evacuated from the fourth floor without injury after crews cleared the smoky stairwell. A total of 41 firefighters responded to the blaze, with police securing the scene. The fire was extinguished around 3:15 PM, but the cause remains under investigation, as reported by cityreport.pnr24-online.de.