BrandenburgDresdenKölnWetter und Natur

Hochwasser-Chaos: Brandenburg bereitet sich auf Wasserwalze vor!

Brandenburg rüstet sich für die drohende Wasserwalze, während in den von Hochwasser betroffenen Regionen Polens, Tschechiens und Österreichs die Einsatzkräfte um Leben und Grundstücke kämpfen – die Wahl des Landtags am Sonntag wird zur Bewährungsprobe für Ministerpräsident Woidke!

In Brandenburg, an urgent response is underway as the region braces for potential flooding from the Oder River, with emergency teams on high alert. Crisis management units are mobilized, ensuring that citizens take measures to protect their homes from the anticipated water surge. On the eve of new state elections, Ministerpräsident Dietmar Woidke emphasized the importance of both hope and preparedness, highlighting improvements to flood defenses since the devastating floods of 1997. Although there are proactive measures in place, residents remain cautious about the looming threat of flooding.

Meanwhile, neighboring countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria continue to grapple with severe flooding, leading to loss of life and widespread damage. The situation remains critical, with over 20 lives claimed and numerous individuals unaccounted for. In response, the German Red Cross is dispatching aid to affected areas in Poland, including vital supplies like bedding and blankets. Many roads are closed due to flooding, and in eastern Austria, a state of emergency has been declared as thousands of buildings have been evacuated. More details can be found hier.

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