BrandenburgEuropaLeverkusenWetter und Natur

Brandenburg bereitet sich auf Hochwasser-Katastrophe vor: Alarm bereitet!

Brandenburg rüstet sich für die drohende Hochwassergefahr an der Oder, während sich Krisenstäbe in Alarmbereitschaft befinden und die Bürger alles daran setzen, ihre Häuser vor den verheerenden Fluten zu schützen – ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit vor der Landtagswahl am Sonntag!

In Brandenburg, alarm bells are ringing as the region braces for potential flooding from the Oder River, with crisis teams on high alert. Residents are taking proactive measures to protect their properties as the region prepares for the worst over the coming days. Ministerpräsident Dietmar Woidke made it clear that while they hope for the best, they’re gearing up to face serious challenges, mentioning the existence of a protective dike in Ratzdorf compared to the catastrophic floods of 1997. While the situation appears stable in Sachsen, where Environment Minister Wolfram Günther offered a cautious outlook amidst lower than expected water levels, the threat isn’t entirely over.

Meanwhile, flooding continues to wreak havoc in neighboring countries like Poland, Tschechien, and Österreich, resulting in significant evacuations and destruction. Tragically, over 20 lives have been lost, and many are still missing, particularly in Tschechien where military aid is being deployed. In Österreich, persistent rainfall has prompted a state of emergency, with more than 1,800 buildings evacuated. To assist, the Deutsches Rote Kreuz is dispatching aid to Poland, including beds and blankets for those displaced by the inundation. The overwhelming effects of this flooding emergency are evident, with entire towns submerged and vital infrastructure severely damaged laut Informationen von


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