
Bidens kraftloser Auftritt im TV-Duell: Zweifel an Eignung für das Amt

Biden’s Struggle at TV Debate Raises Concerns About Re-Election

Berlin, Deutschland (dpa) – US-Präsident Joe Biden left viewers questioning his suitability for office with a lackluster performance during the first TV debate against his challenger Donald Trump. The television debate on Thursday evening (local time) was seen as a crucial test for the 81-year-old Democrat.

Throughout the approximately 90-minute verbal altercation, Biden stumbled regularly, speaking unclearly, softly, and with a hoarse voice. At times, it was challenging to follow the most powerful man in the world. His weak performance overshadowed Trump’s response punctuated with falsehoods. According to US media, the highly anticipated TV debate sparked panic within the Democratic Party.

Concerns About Biden’s Competency

Biden, who is running for a second term in the presidential election in early November, admitted after the debate that he thought he had done „well.“ „I have a sore throat,“ he added. Controversy erupted post-debate, with political commentators expressing shock at Biden’s performance. „Biden’s responses were frequently disjointed,“ said political journalist Abby Phillip.

Biden’s age has been a recurring topic in the election campaign. As the oldest US president ever to enter the White House and now at 81 years old, his ability to perform robustly has been brought into question. The „Washington Post“ reported that Biden’s campaign team internally acknowledged his struggles on the TV stage and the damage his performance had done to his candidacy. „A disaster,“ said one Democratic congressman to CNN – choosing, like many critics from the party, to remain anonymous.

Trump Emerges as the Debate Winner

A quick poll by the US network CNN clearly named Trump as the winner of the duel. According to the survey, 67% of respondents favored the 78-year-old, with only 33% seeing Biden as the victor. Biden had intensively prepared for the debate in the week leading up to it, refraining from any public appearances. During the confrontation, Biden launched unusually harsh and personal attacks on Trump, but they failed to land due to his frequent stumbles.

At the TV spectacle, Biden and Trump were questioned by the moderators on a range of topics, including economics, abortion, migration, and had to address international crises like the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. Trump attacked Biden fiercely, accusing him of the conflict in Ukraine and declaring him unfit for the presidency. „He is, without a doubt, the worst president (…) in our country’s history,“ he ranted.


As the presidential election draws nearer, Biden’s lackluster performance at the TV debate has raised significant doubts about his ability to win a second term. With growing concerns within the Democratic Party, the upcoming phase of the US election campaign remains a critical juncture for both candidates.

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