
Revolutionäres Interior Design: Fabian Freytag und sein neues Buch Gently Radical

„Halting living without passion is a huge mistake!“ – Fabian Freytag

Everyone has a style, but Fabian Freytag’s style is in a league of its own. The Berlin-based architect, known for his unique approach to interior design, is making waves in the German design scene. In a recent interview, he discusses his new book „Gently Radical,“ his love for the 70s, and his inspiring trips to Italy.

For Fabian, the 70s represent a time of great optimism and boundless creativity. It was a decade of moon landings, hippies, and social change. Fabian draws inspiration from this era, aiming to create interiors that evoke a sense of hope and wonder. He believes that our surroundings should inspire us and fill our hearts with beautiful thoughts.

But what about the German interior design style? Fabian points to the Bauhaus movement as the most influential in Germany. However, he believes that there is still a long way to go in terms of developing a distinct and confident style. Germans tend to favor minimalism and classic designs, but Fabian advocates for more individuality and less conformity.

Fabian’s journey to finding his own style was marked by a transformative experience. He once stripped his apartment down to the bare essentials, living with only a bed, a sofa, and a table. This experiment allowed him to discover what truly mattered to him and what brought him joy. He now fills his space with objects that have a story and evoke passion, firmly believing that passionless living is a grave mistake.

When it comes to designing for his clients, Fabian believes in the importance of listening and understanding their personal stories. He combines this knowledge with his technical expertise to create spaces that are true reflections of their inhabitants. He emphasizes the importance of staying open to new ideas and finding inspiration in unexpected places.

Speaking of trends in interior design, Fabian recently attended the furniture fair in Milan and noticed a revival of wine-red colors and designs that invite dreaming. He believes that living spaces have become more personal and less representative, allowing for more opulence and boldness. The dining table, in particular, has taken center stage as the central piece of furniture in people’s lives.

While discussing common interior design mistakes, Fabian bemoans the fascination with fake materials and trendy styles that lack substance. He encourages people to seek out objects with a genuine history and to avoid obstructing their living spaces with bulky, ill-fitting furniture. He also places great importance on the layout and organization of a space, as it can greatly influence the overall vibe and functionality.

Looking to the future, Fabian dreams of taking on prestigious projects such as redesigning the Élysée Palace or the White House. He envisions creating beautiful spaces for democratic politicians, injecting color and vibrancy into these historic buildings.

In conclusion, Fabian Freytag’s approach to interior design is refreshingly bold and passionate. He encourages individuals to embrace their own unique style, to surround themselves with objects that spark joy, and to create spaces that inspire and uplift. With his innovative approach, Fabian is reshaping the German design scene, one interior at a time.

Source: Gala

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