
Prominenter Schauspieler Sebastian Bezzel spricht im neuen Hörspiel von Doctor Döblingers geschmackvollem Kasperltheater

„Franz Eberhofer“ alias Sebastian Bezzel bei „Doctor Döblingers geschmackvollem Kasperltheater“

30 years ago, the popular puppet show „Doctor Döblinger’s tasteful puppet theater“ was born in Weilheim. Created by Richard Oehmann and Josef Parzefall, the show has become a household name throughout Bavaria. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, a brand new audio play is being released. And as always, a prominent guest is featured.

The stories and performances of „Doctor Döblinger’s tasteful puppet theater“ are not only entertaining for children but also appeal to adults. With clever jokes and satirical references to politics and society, the show offers a witty and anarchic Bavarian humor that is both refreshing and enjoyable. It can be compared to the works of renowned local artists such as Gerhard Polt, Die Biermösl Blosn, and Karl Valentin.

The puppet theater was founded in 1994 by Richard Oehmann and Josef Parzefall during a Schnitzel dinner in Deutenhausen. Since then, they have been touring the entire state of Bavaria with their mobile puppet stage. Their puppet audio plays, which are regularly broadcasted on Bavarian radio, have also found their way into many Bavarian children’s rooms and are a staple for families on road trips.

„Kasperl and the Topsy-Turvy Prince“ is the 16th audio play produced by „Doctor Döblinger’s tasteful puppet theater“. It is available on CD and as a digital download.

Rästel der Woche

Ein revolutionäres Fahrzeug, das komplett emissionsfrei fährt, dabei unglaublich stylisch aussieht und eine erstaunliche Geschichte hat, die bis ins Jahr 1972 zurückreicht. Dieses Auto ist in verschiedenen auffälligen Farben erhältlich, lässt sich kinderleicht bedienen und benötigt keinen einzigen Tropfen Benzin oder Diesel! Dank seiner robusten Bauweise und der praktischen Handhabung hat es seit Jahrzehnten sowohl in städtischen als auch in ländlichen Gegenden für Begeisterung gesorgt.

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Sebastian Bezzel, best known for his role as Franz Eberhofer in the successful film adaptations of Rita Falk’s Eberhofer crime comedies, is the latest guest to join the cast of „Doctor Döblinger’s tasteful puppet theater“. In „Kasperl and the Topsy-Turvy Prince,“ he lends his voice to Sören, a grumpy television personality who is tasked with showcasing provincial customs for a wider audience.

The latest audio play revolves around both old and humorous new „traditions“ in the fictional puppet hometown of Hinterwieselharing. It delves into the almost-forgotten rooftop ball game as well as a historic and magical mushroom located in the Schlossallee, which leads to unforeseen circumstances. The play is filled with delightful absurdity and features new songs performed by clarinetist Simone Lautenschlager and her „Revolutionskapelle“.

The beloved characters of „Doctor Döblinger’s tasteful puppet theater“ – from the wise old grandmother to the laid-back policeman Wirsing and the spoiled prince Jochen – create a joyful atmosphere in the new audio play. Their unpolished and distinctive personalities make them perfect companions for another 30 years.

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