
Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts: Investor scheitert mit Normenkontrollantrag zur Verordnung für das Gebiet Reinickendorfer Straße in Berlin-Mitte

OVG bestätigt Milieuschutzverordnung für das Gebiet „Reinickendorfer Straße“ in Berlin-Mitte

In Berlin-Mitte, specifically in the neighborhood of Wedding, the 2nd Senate of the Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg has rejected an investor’s plea against the preservation ordinance for the area surrounding „Reinickendorfer Straße.“

This ordinance introduces, among other things, a permit requirement for the demolition of buildings in the affected area. The investor intends to construct a different structure on the rear area of a property currently occupied by the buildings of the „Künstlerhof Koloniestraße 10.“ The investor has raised concerns about procedural and substantial errors in the preservation ordinance.

In justifying their decision to reject the plea, the Senate stated that the valid ordinance did not contain any procedural or substantial errors. The defendant had made sufficient findings regarding the composition of the residential population before enacting the ordinance. The defendant’s assessment that without the ordinance, there is a risk of undesirable changes in the composition of the residential population as a result of construction measures is justified.

The appeal to the Federal Administrative Court was not permitted.

Judgment of June 27, 2024 – OVG 2 A 9/22 –

(c) Oberverwaltungsgericht Berlin

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