
Brand in Berliner Metall-Fabrik: Chemikalien in Flammen – Bevölkerung gewarnt

Brand in Berliner Waffenfabrik: Rätsel um Ursache des Großbrands und Giftwolke aus der Chemie-Anlage

In Berlin-Lichterfelde, a manufacturing plant is engulfed in flames, prompting warnings to the public about the ongoing fire. The facility affected by the blaze is reported to belong to „Diehl Metal Applications,“ a company involved in metal production, including the manufacture of weapons such as the IRIS-T air defense system used in the conflict in Ukraine. Authorities have issued an official hazardous area alert, advising people to avoid the vicinity.

Efforts to extinguish the fire in the Berlin factory are ongoing, with a significant presence of 180 emergency responders at the scene. The fire has resulted in a toxic smoke cloud spreading across various parts of Berlin and neighboring areas in Brandenburg. The potentially hazardous substances involved in the fire, including sulfuric acid and copper cyanide, pose risks of cyanide formation when released into the atmosphere.


The fire has consumed a portion of the building, leading to its collapse, making it challenging for firefighters to contain the blaze from within. Fortunately, there have been no reported injuries, as all individuals present were able to evacuate safely. The precise cause of the fire remains under investigation, highlighting the challenges of industrial safety and the importance of prompt response in mitigating such incidents. Previous incidents of fires and explosions in chemical factories serve as reminders of the potential dangers posed by industrial accidents.

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