
Beatrice Egli auf Kreta: Hitzige DSDS-Jury und schwierige Entscheidungen

Beatrice Egli’s Internal Struggle with DSDS Jury Duty

Beatrice Egli, the beloved Schlager star and former DSDS winner, has embarked on a new chapter in her career as a jury member on „Deutschland sucht den Superstar.“ While many fans were excited to see her back on the show, Egli has recently opened up about the challenges she faces in her new role.

Struggling with Tough Decisions

Transitioning from a contestant to a judge has proven to be a daunting task for Egli. In a candid Instagram video, the 35-year-old revealed that having to make tough decisions on a daily basis has taken its toll on her. „It also means making decisions every day. And then decisions will be made again tomorrow, and I find that difficult,“ Egli expressed earnestly.

Hot Temperatures and High Stakes

The current season of DSDS is being filmed on the picturesque island of Crete, adding an extra layer of complexity to the already high-pressure environment. Egli shared with her followers the challenges of filming under scorching temperatures, saying, „We’re currently filming for ‚DSDS.‘ It’s not exactly a walk in the park because it was 42 degrees today. So, a hot affair,“ the Swiss singer remarked.

A Renewed Sense of Joy

Despite the heat and the weight of the responsibilities, Egli seems to be reveling in her new role on the renowned talent show. Her close friend and fellow Schlager sensation, Maite Kelly, has praised Egli as „the best jury lady one could wish for“ in an exclusive interview with IPPEN.MEDIA.

Looking back at her DSDS victory eleven years ago, Beatrice Egli has come a long way since her triumphant win. This season, she joins the likes of Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi on the judging panel, bringing a fresh perspective alongside newcomer Loredana. With two chart-topping albums under her belt and a rekindled rapport with Dieter Bohlen, Egli continues to captivate audiences with her talent and charm. (sk) Sources: Instagram/beatrice_egli_offiziell

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