
Junge Frau auf Feldweg angegriffen: Kripo Würzburg sucht dringend Zeugen

In Veitshöchheim, district of Würzburg, a young woman was physically attacked on a country road on Thursday afternoon, resulting in her needing treatment in the hospital. The incident occurred between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm on a path between Veitshöchheim and Güntersleben. According to reports, three men confronted the 18-year-old cyclist and initially verbally harassed her. Subsequently, one of the men injured the woman with a knife to the abdomen. The group then left the scene unidentified.

The victim described the perpetrator as approximately 25 years old, around 175 cm tall with a slim build, dark brown short hair, a three-day beard, and wearing a dark t-shirt and jeans. The Würzburg criminal police have taken over the investigation and are urging anyone with information to come forward. They are seeking witnesses who may have observed the incident or were in the vicinity at the time of the attack, as well as those who may have seen the victim with her bicycle before or after the incident. The Würzburg criminal police can be contacted for information at Tel. 0931/457-1732.

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