
Die niedliche Teddyklinik: Kinder lernen spielerisch den Gang zum Arzt

Erfahren Sie, wie eine Teddyklinik Kinder über Ängste vor dem Arztbesuch hinweghilft

In Würzburg, a hospital has launched an incredibly cute initiative called the „Teddy Clinic.“ This project, although adorable, has a serious underlying purpose. Children between the ages of four and six, along with their parents and interested individuals, are invited to visit the „Teddy Clinic“ located in the courtyard of the former pediatric nursing school UKW. The hospital area dedicated to treating stuffed animals and dolls is divided into individual tents, resembling a typical medical practice setup with a waiting room, examination rooms, an operating room, X-ray facilities, an ambulance, and a pharmacy.

Children are not required to make appointments for their toys, but they are encouraged to come up with an illness for their playmates beforehand. At the clinic, kids can observe the examinations, have their toys X-rayed and listened to, and even opt for surgical procedures if necessary. The main goal of this adorable initiative is to alleviate children’s fear of doctors and hospital visits. Many children experience anxiety in medical settings due to the close proximity of unfamiliar doctors, the fear of injections, or simply being in a challenging phase of development.

To address this common issue, students from the University of Würzburg’s faculties of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Christoph Härtel, the Director of the UKW’s pediatric clinic, have once again organized the voluntary Teddy Clinic. The event aims to make medical environments less intimidating and more approachable for young patients, providing a fun and educational experience that demystifies the healthcare setting. This heartwarming initiative showcases the hospital’s commitment to pediatric care and community engagement, fostering positive associations with healthcare from a young age.

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