Kriminalität und JustizRottal-Inn

Einbruchsserie schockiert Bewohner in Eggenfelden: Polizei bittet um Hinweise

In Eggenfelden, a burglary occurred in a multi-family house on Lengfelderstraße between Friday, May 24, and Friday, May 31, while the residents were on vacation, according to the police. An unidentified perpetrator used a prying tool to break open the main door and then a door to one of the apartments in the building. The police reported that a sum of nearly one thousand euros and a tablet were stolen from the apartment. Anyone with information about the perpetrator or the break-in is urged to contact the police at 08721/96050.

Burglaries can be a distressing experience for homeowners, especially when valuable items like money and electronics are stolen. It is crucial for residents to take precautions to secure their homes when they are away for an extended period, such as informing trusted neighbors or installing security systems. The police play a vital role in investigating such incidents and rely on information from the community to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent future crimes.

Residents of Eggenfelden and the surrounding areas are encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly. Cooperation between law enforcement and the community is essential in maintaining safety and security in the neighborhood. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, residents can help deter criminal activities and protect their homes from potential burglaries.

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