
Hudson Technologies CEO to Attend ROTH 10th Annual London Conference

Hudson Technologies, Inc., a prominent provider of sustainable refrigerant products and services in the HVACR industry and a major refrigerant reclaimer in the United States, disclosed that Brian Coleman, the company’s President and CEO, will be present at the ROTH 10th Annual London Conference scheduled on June 26, 2024, at the Four Seasons Hotel at Park Lane in London, UK. During the event, Mr. Coleman will engage in individual meetings throughout the day.

Hudson Technologies has been recognized for its innovative approach to refrigerant solutions within the HVACR sector, catering to the industry’s evolving needs. The company’s participation in the upcoming conference signifies its commitment to exploring new opportunities and expanding its global presence.

The ROTH 10th Annual London Conference serves as a platform for industry leaders to convene, exchange insights, and discuss upcoming trends and challenges in the market. Hudson Technologies‘ involvement in this event showcases its dedication to staying abreast of the latest developments and fostering partnerships within the international business community.

As Hudson Technologies continues to enhance its position as a leading player in the refrigerant sector, Mr. Coleman’s attendance at the conference underscores the company’s proactive approach to networking and collaboration. His availability for one-on-one meetings suggests a willingness to engage with potential stakeholders and explore avenues for growth and innovation.

Overall, Hudson Technologies‘ participation in the ROTH 10th Annual London Conference highlights its ongoing commitment to driving sustainability and excellence in the HVACR industry, while also demonstrating a strategic focus on expanding its global reach and fostering meaningful connections within the business community.

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