
Einbruch im Getränkemarkt: Zeuge vereitelt Diebstahl – 5000 Euro Schaden

In Ehekirchen, in the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, a vigilant witness prevented a burglary in the early hours of Friday. Around 1:30 a.m., the witness heard a disturbance in the area of Neuburger Straße and upon investigation, spotted three young men tampering with the entrance door of a beverage market. Upon threatening to call the police, the witness startled the unknown individuals, prompting them to flee the scene. Subsequent inspection revealed that the perpetrators had already gained unauthorized access to the building.

The incident resulted in property damage of approximately 5000 euros, as reported by the Neuburg police department, which is appealing for information from potential witnesses at the hotline (0 84 31) 67 11 0. Whether any items were stolen from the establishment remains under investigation. The intruders, who have not been identified, are described as young men aged between 15 to 19 years, all sporting short hair and wearing masks. One of them was reported to be wearing a light or white jacket, while the other two were dressed in dark clothing, with one of them pulling a hood over their head.

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The impact of the burglary was significant, highlighting the importance of community vigilance and prompt action in such situations. Authorities continue to gather information and work towards identifying and apprehending the individuals responsible for this unlawful act. The cooperation of the public, through the provision of any relevant details or sightings, is crucial in aiding the ongoing investigation and ensuring that such incidents are swiftly resolved.

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