
Medizinerinnen im Aufschwung: Quebecs Frauen meistern das Gesundheitswesen!

Im Québec kämpfen Frauen in der Medizin trotz ihrer steigenden Zahl, die bald 70 % erreichen wird, weiterhin gegen Sexismus und Vorurteile, während sie in männlich dominierten Fachrichtungen wie Orthopädie und Neurochirurgie oft unterrepräsentiert bleiben und sich gegen Diskriminierung durch Kollegen und Patienten behaupten müssen!

In Québec, the growing number of female medical professionals is noteworthy, as women are expected to make up nearly 70% of the workforce soon, drastically shifting the landscape of healthcare. However, several medical specialties, including orthopedics, neurosurgery, and urology, remain predominantly male-dominated, with less than 20% female representation. Experts like Sophie Brière, a management professor at Laval University, highlight that sexism persists in medical schools, where women often face biases and must prove their competence more than their male counterparts. Dr. Véronique Godbout, the first female president of the Quebec Orthopedic Association, recalls instances of sexist comments, emphasizing the need for female representation in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Despite nearly half of Québec’s specialists being women, significant disparities exist in various specialties, with only seven female cardiovascular and thoracic surgeons recorded. This gender gap is particularly evident in leadership roles, where women are markedly underrepresented. Currently, among the 35 medical associations in the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ), only 10 are led by women. As women navigate these challenges, discussions around work culture and support systems are gaining traction, prompting some female doctors, like psychiatrist Karine Igartua, to advocate for changes in meeting schedules to accommodate family responsibilities. For a more in-depth look at this issue, you can refer to the detailed coverage on www.journaldemontreal.com.

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