
Gericht verhängt achtmonatige Haftstrafe gegen Journalist Mohamed Boughalleb

Journalist Mohamed Boughalleb’s Sentence Increased to Eight Months in Prison

Recent developments have seen journalist Mohamed Boughalleb facing an increased sentence of eight months in prison, up from an initial six-month verdict.

The ruling was delivered by the Criminal Division of the Tunis Court of Appeal, citing Decree 54 as the basis for the decision.

Boughalleb’s legal troubles began on March 22 when he was arrested and placed in custody following a complaint filed by a Ministry of Religious Affairs official. The complaint stemmed from Boughalleb’s on-air comments about foreign visits and ministry policies.

The journalist was accused of damaging the official’s honor and reputation through posts on his Facebook page. Initially sentenced to six months in prison on April 17, the Court of Appeal later upheld the verdict and extended the term to eight months.

Notably, this is not Boughalleb’s first encounter with the legal system. In a separate case on June 11, he was given a two-month suspended sentence for unauthorized professional activity.

These successive legal challenges bring to light the complexities journalists often face in navigating free speech rights and legal boundaries.

The case has sparked conversations about press freedom and the balancing act required in reporting on sensitive topics. It serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding journalistic integrity while respecting legal constraints.

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