
Feuerteufel zielen auf neue Radaranlagen: Guadeloupe in Aufruhr!

In Guadeloupe werden frisch installierte Radaranlagen binnen Tagen in Serie angezündet, während die Straßenverkehrssicherheit durch die wachsende Wut über staatliche Kontrolle gefährdet ist – und bereits 37 Tote seit Jahresbeginn belegen die Dringlichkeit!

In Guadeloupe, a troubling wave of arson has targeted newly installed speed cameras, which are seen as instruments of road safety. Over the past few days, four of these radar towers have been deliberately set ablaze in various locations, including Caraque Abymes, Versailles, Colin Petit-Bourg, and Trois-Rivières. This series of incidents highlights the growing public outrage against what many perceive as a government crackdown on drivers, despite the grim reality of road safety, with 37 fatalities reported on the roads so far this year, primarily attributed to speeding.

The local government had recently reinstated these radar towers following their destruction during urban violence in 2021, aiming to combat the rising death toll on the roads. However, the rapid spate of attacks suggests that the installations, intended to deter reckless driving, have become symbols of resentment among the populace. Concerns about road safety continue to mount as the leading causes of accidents—excess speed, alcohol, and drug use—remain prevalent, indicating that Guadeloupe may surpass last year’s grim record of 39 road fatalities. For further insights, details can be found in a recent article from la1ere.francetvinfo.fr.


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