
Dearborns Wähler: Abandon Harris fordert Stimmen für Dritte vor Präsidentschaftswahl

In Dearborn, der arabischen Hauptstadt der USA, droht eine Wähler-Revolt gegen Kamala Harris, während die Gemeinschaft lautstark das Ende der US-Militäraid an Israel fordert und einen dramatischen Einfluss auf die entscheidende Wahl am 5. November ankündigt – "Unser Blut ist nicht billig"!

In Dearborn, Michigan, a diverse Arab-American community is gearing up for the upcoming presidential election with a clear message: many are unwilling to support Vice President Kamala Harris due to her backing of U.S. military aid to Israel. During a recent event featuring community leaders and activists, Osama Siblani, head of The Arab American News, stated, „Our blood is not cheap,“ emphasizing strong feelings against Harris’s stance on the ongoing conflict. With over 140 residents reportedly trapped in Lebanon and others mourning losses there, the local sentiment is heavily influenced by these foreign developments. This dissatisfaction could sway the crucial Arab-American vote, which played a significant role in Joe Biden’s narrow win in 2020.

As the election date approaches, the dynamics are changing. The community, traditionally Democratic, is increasingly coalescing around alternative options. Some groups, like „Uncommitted,“ are urging voters to abstain from supporting Harris, while others propose casting votes for third-party candidates. Amidst this tension, Donald Trump is also courting support in Dearborn, gaining endorsements from local figures. With feelings of disillusionment running high, many in the community, including individuals who have previously voted for both parties, express intentions not to participate this election cycle, reflecting a growing discontent with the mainstream candidates. As the stakes rise, it’s clear that the Arab-American vote in Michigan will be a critical factor to watch on November 5. For more details about the situation, see the report from www.lalibre.be.


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