Kriminalität und JustizMühldorf am Inn

Blutiges Drama in Burghausen: Mutter sticht auf vierjährige Tochter ein – Polizei ermittelt

In Burghausen, Bavaria, a tragic incident unfolded in the early hours of Wednesday, May 22nd. A mother, aged 35, attacked her four-year-old daughter with a knife inside an apartment of a multi-family house. The young girl suffered severe injuries as a result of the attack. The authorities, specifically the Criminal Police of Mühldorf am Inn under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Traunstein, are investigating the case as an attempted homicide. The mother was promptly arrested following the incident.

Emergency services received a distress call around 3:50 am reporting the violent incident. Medical personnel had to attend to the child’s significant cut and stab wounds on her neck and face. Based on initial findings, suspicions point towards the mother grabbing a knife within the apartment and inflicting numerous stabs and cuts on her daughter’s neck and face, resulting in severe injuries. The arrest of the mother took place at the scene of the crime.

The four-year-old girl was swiftly transferred to a hospital by an ambulance, where emergency surgical procedures were swiftly carried out to address the life-threatening injuries. At the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the suspect is scheduled to appear before the competent investigating magistrate at the Traunstein District Court to determine provisional placement or detention.

The motives and circumstances behind this appalling act are currently being scrutinized as part of the ongoing criminal investigations by the police. This distressing incident has sent shockwaves through the community and raised urgent questions regarding the safety and well-being of individuals within domestic settings. The authorities are continuing their inquiries to shed light on the underlying reasons for such a heartbreaking event and ensure justice is served.

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