
Neue Transfervereinbarung: EHC Klostersee begrüßt Torwarttalent Joshua Baron

Goalkeeper Joshua Baron (21) is the first player exchange between EHC Klostersee and the Tölzer Löwen Oberliga team. This cooperation marks a significant step for both clubs, fostering a new era of collaboration in Bavarian ice hockey.

The EHC Klostersee and Tölzer Löwen announced their partnership at 7:28 p.m., symbolizing a new chapter in their shared commitment to developing young talent. This agreement allows for a limited number of licenses to be allocated to promising players, enabling them to compete for both teams.


Geographic proximity and a mutual focus on youth development have solidified the bond between the two clubs. In recent years, the Bavarian league has seen remarkable growth, with top locations like EHC Klostersee in Grafing, Erding, Peißenberg, and Miesbach becoming hotbeds for high-quality hockey.

The collaboration aims to provide young players with the best training possible to facilitate their transition to professional hockey. By partnering with EHC Klostersee, the Tölzer Löwen can further nurture talent that may not be ready for direct promotion to the Oberliga.

Joshua Baron’s move to EHC Klostersee as the main goalkeeper for the 2024/25 season reflects the confidence the Tölzer Löwen have in his abilities. Standing at 1.93 meters and weighing 92 kilograms, Baron is a promising prospect who is set to make significant progress by gaining valuable playing time with EHC Klostersee.

Having already gained experience playing for the Löwen seniors in recent seasons, Baron views this new opportunity as a chance to enhance his skills further. His eagerness to challenge himself and his commitment to the sport make him a valuable addition to EHC Klostersee’s lineup.

As the cooperation progresses, additional players may receive development licenses based on discussions between the clubs‘ leadership and coaches. This ongoing collaboration demonstrates a shared commitment to fostering talent and promoting a positive environment for young athletes to thrive.

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