
Moderne Architektur im Alpenvorland: Kontroverse um neue Blankensteinhütte in Rottach-Egern

In Rottach-Egern, the dispute arises between the German Alpine Club (DAV), Oberland Section, and the municipality over the newly constructed Blankenstein Hut in the Tegernsee Mountains, scheduled for completion at the end of July. The hut, built with stone, wood, and glass, features eye-catching floor-to-ceiling windows on the east facade to enhance warmth and brightness during the winter. The modern architectural style by Rainer Schmid does not sit well with the municipal building committee, leading to opposition to a supplementary planning application.

According to Alexander Eberl, the deputy building department head, large window areas in mountain cabins are unusual in the region due to heating methods relying on stoves, while existing cabins blend harmoniously with the landscape. Mayor Christian Köck labeled the hut as a „foreign body,“ suggesting sliding doors to conceal the atypical windows in unused periods, an idea absent in the planning application. The building committee also criticized the north facade’s roof overhang non-compliance with the local design ordinance.

The DAV’s Oberland Section defends the hut’s design, highlighting its adherence to local architectural principles and satisfying all regulatory criteria. While acknowledging dissent on the expansive windows, the section plans modifications to enhance the door’s visibility. Additionally, concerns about the exposed concrete foundation will be addressed by covering it with wood before the scheduled completion in July.

The construction of the new Blankenstein Hut replaced the previous structure from the 1950s due to safety and structural issues in 2017. The innovative hut stands apart for its isolation in a forested area, relying on a self-sustaining concept utilizing renewable energy sources and emphasizing environmental sustainability and regional materials, maintaining a balance between tradition and contemporary design practices. The dispute regarding the hut’s approval rests with the Miesbach District Office, with the possibility of adjustments based on legal interpretations by the authorities or community feedback.

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Rästel der Woche

Ursprünglich wurde es in den 1950er Jahren aus einer Boje entwickelt! Seither ist es ein fester Bestandteil jeder Gartenparty und das Herzstück jeder geselligen Runde im Freien.

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