Landsberg am Lech

ADAC enthüllt revolutionäres Elektrofahrzeug-Testlabor in Landsberg am Lech

Green Mobility Revolution: ADAC Pioneers Electric Vehicle Testing

In a groundbreaking move, the ADAC has set the stage for a new era in electric vehicle testing in Landsberg, Bavaria. The state-of-the-art testing facility puts electric cars through their paces, providing invaluable insights into their performance across various conditions.

At the heart of this initiative is the ADAC’s commitment to ensuring that environmental factors do not hinder the efficiency and reliability of electric vehicles. By simulating extreme temperatures and driving conditions, the ADAC is shedding light on crucial aspects such as range, charging capabilities, and energy consumption.

Driving Innovation through Realistic Simulations

With an investment of 1.5 million euros, the ADAC has created a cutting-edge testing environment that mimics real-world scenarios with precision. From frigid temperatures to scorching heat, the facility can replicate a wide range of climates, offering comprehensive insights into how electric vehicles perform in diverse settings.

Central to the testing facility is a state-of-the-art dynamometer by Horiba, enabling testers to simulate a myriad of driving scenarios, from daily commutes to long-distance journeys. By capturing and replicating real-world driving profiles, the ADAC is paving the way for standardized and comparable testing results across different electric vehicle models.

Redefining Electric Vehicle Testing Norms

Moreover, the ADAC’s testing regimen extends beyond driving performance to encompass charging capabilities. By incorporating a powerful 300 kW charger and a 22 kW wallbox into their testing setup, the ADAC is evaluating how electric vehicles fare in terms of charging speed and efficiency, even under extreme weather conditions.

Through this holistic approach to electric vehicle testing, the ADAC aims to not only validate official performance metrics but also delve into the nuances of real-world usage. From assessing range variations in different seasons to comparing the long-haul capabilities of electric vehicles, the testing facility is at the forefront of answering pressing questions in the electric mobility landscape.

By driving innovation and setting new benchmarks in electric vehicle testing, the ADAC is not just scrutinizing the present but shaping the future of sustainable transportation. As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to rise, initiatives like the ADAC’s testing facility play a crucial role in accelerating the transition towards a greener, more efficient mobility ecosystem.

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