
Ungewöhnlicher Altölvorfall sorgt für Aufregung in Neuenmarkt

In Neuenmarkt, a unique and concerning incident has unfolded that has left Mayor Alexander Wunderlich visibly angry. An unknown individual thoughtlessly disposed of a significant amount of used oil by simply pouring it out. This reckless act has prompted the need for oil barriers to be put in place to contain the spill and prevent further environmental damage. However, the cleanup efforts do not end there. Excavation of a ditch, pumping out a rain retention basin, and proper disposal of contaminated soil are now necessary tasks facing Wunderlich and his municipal team.

Expressing his outrage, Mayor Wunderlich labeled the situation as an „absolute mess“ and emphasized the gravity of the environmental impact caused by the irresponsible disposal of the oil. The municipality of Neuenmarkt has taken swift action by filing a report with the local authorities. The police in Stadtsteinach are actively investigating the case and are committed to identifying the individual responsible for this environmental offense.


Mayor Wunderlich is adamant that the perpetrator must be held accountable for their actions, stating unequivocally, „Someone like that needs to face the consequences. There is no question about it.“ The community is united in condemning this act of environmental disregard and is focused on ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice. The ongoing investigation by the police underscores the seriousness with which such incidents are viewed and the commitment to upholding environmental protection laws in the region.

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