
Junge Bartgeier im Nationalpark – Zusammenleben mit Spannung

Berchtesgaden National Park: Vulture Wiggerl Takes Off on Maiden Flight – Bavaria

Living together is not always peaceful. Just under four weeks ago at the end of May, the two bearded vultures were released into the wild in the Klausbachtal. Not always did the coexistence of the two „hoodlums“ go peacefully. Occasionally, the two would argue over the best food scraps. Once, after a dispute, Wiggerl plunged over 30 meters from the ledge but remained unharmed. Despite this, it was considered relatively moderate behavior between two young birds, as emphasized by National Park project leader Brendel last week.

This was the fourth release in the National Park. The first vultures – Bavaria and Wally – arrived in 2021 from Spain, as did their successors Dagmar and Recka. Sisi and Nepomuk – the first male – joined them in 2023 from Austria. Wally is the only one who has not survived, as she was killed by a falling rock. Vinzenz is Austrian, and Wiggerl came from a breeding program in Finland. Fans can observe the activities of the two at the release ledge live via webcam.


Largest flying birds

Vultures, with a wingspan of up to 2.90 meters, are among the largest flying birds in the world. According to Wegscheider, the last bearded vulture was shot on German soil in 1879 – at Hintersee near Ramsau, just about a kilometer away from the spot where the young birds were released in May. In the past, these animals were considered dangerous, with the belief that they would snatch lambs and throw them off cliffs. However, they pose no danger to humans or other animals, as they feed solely on carrion.

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