
Engagement und Leidenschaft: Geehrte Kaufbeurer mit respektvollem Einsatz

Community heroes celebrated with the prestigious Kaufbeuren-aktiv Medaille in 2024

Volunteering and community engagement were at the forefront of the recent awards ceremony held at the Kaufbeuren City Hall. The event honored individuals and groups whose dedicated and outstanding volunteer work has made a positive impact locally, promoting culture, and initiating meaningful changes. The celebration, complete with musical performances by the „Bärchenbande,“ highlighted the importance of citizen involvement in shaping society.

Recognized for their exceptional commitment, recipients of the Kaufbeuren-aktiv Medaille received bronze for over ten years of service, silver for over twenty years, and gold for more than thirty years of dedication. Their endeavors spanned a wide range of activities, from the theatrical stage and climbing tower to the annual Tänzelfest and advocacy for human rights.

The Spirit of Volunteerism: A Passionate Call to Action

During the award ceremony, Sepp Eichhorn, a creative force at the Theater Kaufbeuren, emphasized the challenge of finding enthusiastic individuals willing to work without financial compensation. He stressed the importance of passion in driving meaningful change and called on residents to engage actively in the various associations and initiatives available in Kaufbeuren. Stadträtin Gertrud Gellings, a stalwart volunteer across political, social, and cultural domains, echoed this sentiment, encouraging community members to join forces in making a difference.

Memorable Moments and Enduring Commitment

Amidst heartfelt speeches, Rosi and Horst Lauerwald were honored for their over six decades of tireless dedication to the Tänzelfestverein. Horst reflected on the joy and challenges of their journey, emphasizing the diverse personalities and experiences that make the Tänzelfest a unique celebration. Rosi applauded the unsung heroes who quietly support their fellow citizens, acknowledging the countless acts of kindness that often go unnoticed.

In concluding remarks, Mayor Stefan Bosse stressed the importance of dismantling bureaucratic barriers to attract more volunteers, underscoring the critical role of civic engagement in strengthening society.

Medal Recipients

  • Gold: Jutta Angerer (ESVK), Sepp Eichhorn (Theater Kaufbeuren), Gertrud Gellings (Stadträtin, Tänzelfestverein, Soldatenkameradschaft AK Sucht, Donum Vitae, Jugendschöffin), Hermann Heckelsmüller (DAV/Bergwacht), Angelika Schnabel (DAV), Sonja Goldemund (Krebsselbsthilfegruppe BRK, Hospizverein, AK Asyl), Ursula Fischer (Tischtennis TV 1858), Ulrich Schnieringer (Handball Turnverein 1858).
  • Silver: Jutta Kletschka (Theater KF), Klaus Höpp (Kolpingsfamilie).
  • Gold Groups: Rosi and Horst Lauerwald (Tänzelfestverein, Aufbruch-Umbruch), Ortsgruppe Amnesty International, Frauen Forum Kaufbeuren.
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