
Junge Frau entkommt versuchter Vergewaltigung in Hallbergmoos – Täter festgenommen

In Hallbergmoos, Bavaria, a shocking attack on a young Israeli woman (31) took place as she was returning to her hotel near the Munich Airport. The businesswoman was followed, attacked, and sexually harassed by a stranger around 0.30 a.m. The assailant attempted to kiss her and then forcibly undressed and assaulted her after she stopped on Lilienthalstraße, noticing she was being pursued.

Fortunately, the woman’s strong resistance deterred the attacker briefly, enabling her to escape and make an emergency call despite sustaining minor injuries. Following the incident, the Neufahrn police initiated a search and promptly apprehended a 25-year-old Polish man in the vicinity of the crime scene. The State Prosecutor’s Office in Landshut requested a warrant for the unemployed man from Unterschleißheim, and the investigating judge ordered pretrial detention. Authorities currently believe the woman was a random target.

After completing the necessary police procedures, the 31-year-old woman managed to catch her flight back to Israel on time, as confirmed by the police. However, the investigation by the Criminal Police in Erding is ongoing. Law enforcement is seeking approximately four individuals who might have been in the vicinity of the victim during the incident. These individuals, along with any other potential witnesses, are urged to contact investigators at 08122-96 80 to provide any relevant information.

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