
Feuerwehr-Großeinsatz in Lengdorf: Scheune in Flammen – Keine Verletzten

In Lengdorf, located in the district of Erding, a barn caught fire during the night, leading to a significant deployment of the fire brigade in the neighborhood of Höhenberg. The incident resulted in considerable damage to the property, but fortunately, there were no injuries reported. The Erding Criminal Police Department has initiated investigations into the cause of the blaze.

The fire broke out in a farm building in Lengdorf/Höhenberg in the early hours of Saturday, June 1, around 02:45 a.m. A substantial number of fire brigades acted promptly to prevent the flames from spreading to an adjacent residential building, as stated in the police press release. The efforts of the fire department were successful in containing the fire within the barn.

Apart from the structural damage to the building itself, various agricultural equipment stored inside was also affected by the fire. Initial estimates indicate that the incurred damage amounts to a six-figure sum in euros. Thankfully, no individuals were harmed by the blaze. The authorities, specifically the Erding Criminal Police Department, swiftly initiated inquiries into the yet undetermined cause of the fire on the same night it occurred.

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