
Feuer in Lengdorf: Großaufgebot der Feuerwehr verhindert Wohnhausbrand

In Lengdorf, located in the district of Erding, a barn caught fire during the night, prompting a significant response from the fire department in the district of Höhenberg. The blaze, which occurred at an agricultural building in Höhenberg due to unknown causes, resulted in considerable property damage, but thankfully, there were no injuries reported. The Erding Criminal Police Station has commenced investigations into the incident.

The fire at the barn was reported in the early hours of Saturday, June 1st, at around 02:45 AM in Lengdorf, a district of Höhenberg. A substantial number of fire departments managed to prevent the flames from spreading to an adjacent residential building, as stated in the police press release. The fire caused damage not only to the structure itself but also to agricultural equipment stored inside, with initial estimates putting the total damage in the six-figure euro range. Fortunately, no individuals sustained injuries due to the fire.

The authorities initiated inquiries into the unclear cause of the fire on the same night, carried out by the Criminal Emergency Service. The collaborative efforts of the firefighting teams managed to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading further, ensuring the safety of nearby residents in Höhenberg. Investigations into the source of the fire will continue to ascertain the circumstances leading to the destructive blaze.

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