
Feierliche Ehrungen bei 150. Jubiläum der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Berglern

Anton Gerbl receives two certificates

In a remarkable event at the 150th anniversary celebration of the Volunteer Fire Department in Berglern, several individuals were honored for their outstanding service. Among them, Anton Gerbl was awarded the Gold Citizen’s Medal. He had been an active member from 1973 to 2023, serving as the Commander from 1985 to 1997 and as Chairman from 2001 to 2007. He remained a board member until 2015.

The Silver Citizen’s Medal was presented to Hermann Aigner, who had been an active member from 1996 to 2023, including six years as the Deputy Commander. He also served as Vice President for six years. Tobias Venus, who has been active for 30 years, received the Silver Citizen’s Medal for his commitment as the Deputy Commander from 2019 to 2024 and his roles in various community organizations.


Additionally, Kaspar Käser, with 40 years of active service, was also awarded the Silver Citizen’s Medal. Johann Holler, with 26 years of active membership and six years as Deputy Commander, was honored with the Bronze Citizen’s Medal. He has also served as the Equipment Supervisor for eleven years.

During the anniversary celebration, Mayor Anton Scherer presented the Citizen’s Medals to Anton Gerbl, Hermann Aigner, Tobias Venus, Kaspar Käser, and Johann Holler. The ceremony took place in a festive atmosphere, with the full tent providing a fitting backdrop for the occasion.

Furthermore, the Fire Department recognized four deserving comrades, differentiating between those in active service and in the association. Anton Gerbl, having received the Gold Citizen’s Medal, was also appointed Honorary Commander, along with Josef Fruhstorfer. The association also named two new Honorary Chairpersons: Franz Röslmair and Anton Bichlmaier.

Despite the large crowd, the event proceeded smoothly, with Mayor Scherer managing to maintain order and deliver the honors amidst the celebratory atmosphere.

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