
16 Nachwuchstalente erfolgreich bei Schiedsrichter-Wochenendlehrgang in Eichstätt

In the weekend referee training course in Eichstätt, 16 young talents gathered for an intensive and educational program from June 7th to 9th. Led by instructors Jan Feil and Pascal Lau, the course covered various topics such as „Anticipation,“ „Stress Management,“ „Distinguishing between Fouls and Accidents,“ and „Team Collaboration.“

The course commenced on Friday with a theoretical session on „Anticipation.“ In the evening, the participants watched the Germany vs. Greece national team match together on a large screen, providing a practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained earlier.

Saturday focused on „Stress Management“ and „Foul or Accident“ scenarios. Young referees were equipped with valuable tips and strategies to maintain composure and make the right decisions under pressure during challenging game situations. A small tournament was held after the theoretical sessions, organized by Daniel Weise and Manuel Kranjc, where participants competed for a small prize.

Sunday began with another theoretical session centered on „Team Collaboration.“ Participants learned about the dynamics of working in a team and how to support the referee as assistant referees. A highlight of the course was a presentation by Tobias Baumann from the Association Referees Committee (VSA) on „Self-Presentation as a Referee“ before, during, and after the game, providing insights on a confident and composed presence on and off the field.

The weekend training course was deemed a great success, not only imparting valuable knowledge to the young referees but also fostering camaraderie and mutual understanding among them.

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