Berchtesgadener Land

Drama in Ainring: 12-Jähriger leicht verletzt – Fahrer gesucht!

In Ainring kam es am Samstagmorgen zu einem schockierenden Zusammenstoß zwischen einem 12-jährigen Radfahrer und einem unbekannten Autofahrer, bei dem der Junge zwar zunächst keine Verletzungen meldete, jedoch nach dem Fahrerflucht nun dringend um Hinweise für seine Sicherheit bittet!

In Ainring, a 12-year-old cyclist was involved in a minor collision with a car on Saturday morning, October 5th. The accident occurred around 10:15 a.m. at the intersection of Salzburger Straße and Moosstraße, where the young boy was riding his mountain bike on the sidewalk. At the same time, an unknown male driver was approaching the intersection in his vehicle when the two collided. Although the boy initially reported feeling fine, he later experienced pain from the impact with his bike’s handlebars.

The police are now seeking the driver who fled the scene. They are encouraging the driver, as well as any witnesses to the accident, to come forward by contacting the Freilassing police at 08654/46180. The young cyclist sustained minor injuries, and the police are looking to gather more information regarding the event to ensure he’s properly assisted—details surrounding the incident are still emerging, wie berichtet.


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