
Neues System gegen Rattenplage in Bayreuth: Giftkugeln zur Epidemie-Prävention

Neues Gift-System gegen Rattenplage in Bayreuth: Kanalmitarbeiter im Einsatz

In Bayreuth, the presence of approximately 150,000 rats poses a significant concern, given that the city has 75,000 residents. To prevent a potential epidemic resulting from the escalating rat population, efforts are underway to combat the issue. Authorities are employing a new system to control the rat infestation effectively.

The primary focus of the rat control measures is the city’s sewage system, where rats are known to thrive. By distributing poison baits underground, the canal workers hope to curtail the rat population. These efforts include the introduction of a new method known as the „rat ball,“ which hangs on a string within a bowl, ensuring that it remains dry even as water levels rise.

The bait’s mechanism is designed to enable rats to ingest it without immediate effects, allowing them to return to their nests before succumbing to internal bleeding and drifting off into a peaceful slumber. This delayed action aims to prevent other rats in the colony from detecting the poison and thereby minimizing the risk of an epidemic. If successful, these initiatives could hinder the rats‘ uncontrolled proliferation and prevent a full-blown infestation in Bayreuth.

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