
Kleine Dörfer, große Talente: Das Sport- und Kulturzentrum in Blossenau

Kerstin Schulz and Manfred Rehm Shine in Blossenau

Blossenau, a village with only 300 inhabitants, nestled on the border between the districts of Eichstätt and Donau-Ries, is a hidden gem for the community. With a thriving sports and cultural center hosting 40 events weekly, all powered by over 1000 dedicated volunteers, Blossenau boasts a remarkable sense of unity and togetherness.

The Heart of Blossenau

One of the regular artists gracing the stage at Blossenau is the talented singer/songwriter Manfred Rehm, often accompanied by his long-time partner Kerstin Schulz or renowned keyboardist Michael Ruff from Haindling. Recently, Rehm and Schulz unveiled a new program at the center, captivating the audience with their musical prowess.

An Unforgettable Performance

The duo kicked off the night with a mix of beloved rock-pop hits and heartfelt original compositions by Manfred Rehm. Schulz, with her powerful vocals, and Rehm, showcasing his exceptional guitar skills honed over 50 years, immediately captured the audience’s attention. Their rendition of classics like „One day I’ll fly away“ by Randy Crawford and „I’ll never fall in love again“ was both refreshing and moving, leaving the audience spellbound.

Musical Brilliance and Personal Stories

Schulz, known for her daily radio show at RadioIN, not only mesmerized the crowd with her singing but also charmed them with her engaging anecdotes. Meanwhile, Rehm, a master of both guitar and harmonica, effortlessly switched between instruments, proving his talent rivaling the likes of Bruce Springsteen or Bob Dylan.

Looking Towards the Future

As the night drew to a close, Rehm revealed upcoming projects, including a new song „Der eigene Weg,“ not yet featured on his CD but set to debut on Spotify. The emotional depth and sincerity of his songs left the audience in awe, with many praising his songwriting skills.

With the audience on their feet for an encore, Schulz and Rehm bid farewell to Blossenau, promising more unforgettable performances in Eitensheim and Eichstätt later this year. Their magical evening in Blossenau will be etched in the memories of all who were fortunate enough to attend.


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