
Wetterextreme in Ehekirchen: Furcht vor Starkregen bleibt bestehen

Severe Rainfall Caused Emergency Operations in Ehekirchen and Surroundings

Following the aftermath of the severe rainfall events at the beginning of June and the devastating impact of the floods in the district, tensions are still running high. This was evident once again after isolated thunderstorms and heavy rain on Wednesday evening. The community of Ehekirchen, in particular, bore the brunt of the weather’s fury.

A resident took to social media to express his frustration, stating that one can no longer rely on weather forecasts – he now had to protect his driveway with sandbags.

State Road Closed for About an Hour

In Neuburg, the situation remained relatively calm, with no fire department interventions reported. However, residents of Bruck mentioned flooded driveways. In contrast, the volunteer fire departments in Ehekirchen, Schönesberg, Walda, and Weidorf were kept busy that evening. Stefan Marb, the commander of the Ehekirchen Volunteer Fire Department, recounted the events. „We were out and about“ dealing with flooded roads, such as in Walda, as well as basements and driveways. The state road between Neuburg and Pöttmes had to be closed for about an hour due to the heavy rainfall, Marb mentioned. Nevertheless, the fire department commander was not particularly surprised by the situation: „By now, you have to expect anything.“ Weidorf tends to be hit frequently during such weather conditions, and the community is well prepared and sensitized due to past events. „We are prepared and have taken precautions.“

Moreover, it seems that the community of Ehekirchen can also rely on neighborly assistance. A woman mentioned on social media that she also resides in the community and that everyone helped a neighbor pump water out of their basement. „He would have been really stuck on his own,“ she added, noting that „no one expected this much rain.“


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