
Überfall auf Einkaufsmarkt in Bitz: Mitarbeiterin mit Schusswaffe bedroht

„Bitz Market Robbery: Community Shaken by Brazen Attack“

Residents of Bitz were left in shock on Monday morning as news spread of a daring robbery at a local supermarket on Harthauser Straße. The incident, which took place in the quiet hours of the night, involved three unknown assailants who forcibly entered the premises, laying in wait until a 58-year-old employee arrived for her shift at 6 am.

Upon her arrival, the employee was met with a harrowing ordeal as the criminals brandished a firearm and coerced her into unlocking the safe. After looting the contents, they proceeded to restrain the woman, confining her to a nearby room before making their escape in her own vehicle, a blue Opel Mocca.

The robbery was only discovered when other staff members arrived for work, finding their colleague bound and raising the alarm. A swift response from local law enforcement, including patrols and a police helicopter, led to the recovery of the abandoned Opel on a side road near Bitz. Despite these efforts, the perpetrators remain at large, their identities hidden behind dark clothing and masks.

The Criminal Investigation Department in Balingen has since taken over the case, appealing to any witnesses who may have seen suspicious activity in the vicinity of Harthauser Straße or along the L 449 between Bitz and Winterlingen. Any sightings of the blue Opel Mocca or other vehicles parked in wooded areas adjacent to the road could prove vital to the investigation. Information can be reported to the Balingen Criminal Investigation Department at 07433/264-0.

This brazen act of violence has sent ripples through the close-knit community of Bitz, with residents stunned by the audacity of the perpetrators and rallying together in support of the victim. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and cooperation in ensuring the safety and security of the town.

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