
Engpass bei Kindergartenplätzen in Trossingen: Neue Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung der steigenden Nachfrage

In Trossingen, unlike many other municipalities, the city is experiencing growth. As the number of children is expected to increase in the coming years, it is becoming increasingly challenging to accommodate all of them in the existing twelve Trossingen kindergartens. For the year 2024/25, the city was able to offer a place in the desired kindergarten for 79 percent of parents. Due to the high number of migrants, two additional staff members will be hired for language support at the Oberlin and Regine Jolberg kindergartens.

The allocation of childcare spaces was discussed by Iris Stieler from the city administration during a council meeting where she mentioned that there was a shortfall of 26 places in the over-three (Ü3) age group out of 253 applications as of the registration deadline on March 15. However, this number has been reduced to just one missing place, allowing all children to be accommodated. A new group with ten children will be established in the eighth group at the Albblick kindergarten with the help of the evangelical sponsor.


For the under-three (U3) age group, the situation was more favorable with only one place missing out of 65 registrations, although only 45 could be offered priority 1, which is the desired kindergarten for those children. The city administration anticipates being able to accommodate all children under three, including those in priority 2 and 3, by mid-June when the allocation process for the upcoming kindergarten year starting in September is expected to be completed.

While the city has fulfilled its obligation to provide a kindergarten place as per legal requirements, the administration clarified that due to increasing registration numbers, siblings cannot be given preference for placement in the same kindergarten. Older children on waiting lists for specific facilities will have priority. Mayor Irion acknowledged that around 80 percent of parental requests were fulfilled, but complaints persist from parents who did not obtain a priority 1 spot. The increasing number of slightly older children also affects Trossingen’s elementary schools, prompting additional classes to be opened. Furthermore, financial support for language support in kindergartens has been received from the Efinger Foundation, with further funding expected to facilitate the hiring of two additional staff members.

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