
Wirtschaftswunder 2.0: Die Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaftsordnung

Roland Busch, CEO of Siemens, and Ola Källenius, CEO of Mercedes-Benz, recently discussed various important aspects of the German economy in an interview. Källenius emphasized the concept of „Economic Miracle 2.0,“ highlighting the current transformation of businesses towards decarbonization and digitalization. He underlined the role of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law) in fostering entrepreneurship within a Social Market Economy framework, emphasizing the importance of values such as democracy, freedom, and tolerance.

Both leaders stressed the need to uphold core societal values and emphasized the contributions of diverse stakeholders, including millions of guest workers, to the economic success of Germany. Busch and Källenius highlighted the challenges posed by extremism and highlighted the importance of unity and resilience in the face of societal divisions.

Discussing the impact of globalization and digitalization on society, Källenius acknowledged the complexity these developments bring, leading to uncertainties among individuals. He urged for a focus on unity, hard work, ambition, respect, and openness to maintain societal strength and economic competitiveness.

Amid concerns about rising fears of globalization and potential societal fragmentation, Källenius and Busch underscored the need for a strong position within the European Union. They emphasized the importance of a united Europe to maintain economic stability and protect freedoms and values against extremist ideologies.

The conversation touched upon the challenges faced by employees in accessing affordable housing, the importance of maintaining a strong work ethic, and the role of businesses in promoting societal well-being. Both leaders highlighted the need for continuous innovation, adaptation to technological advancements, and the pursuit of sustainable growth to secure Germany’s economic future.

Källenius and Busch also discussed the necessity of ongoing transformation in the energy sector, advocating for strategic investments in infrastructure and an accelerated shift towards renewable energy sources. They emphasized the importance of regulatory frameworks that encourage innovation and facilitate the integration of new technologies to drive economic progress.

The discussion concluded with reflections on the significance of the Grundgesetz as a guiding principle for Germany’s future success. Both leaders expressed their commitment to upholding values, fostering innovation, and driving sustainable growth to ensure Germany’s continued leadership in the global economy.

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